Funding Arrangements
For Young Adults from age 16 with evidence of SEN (with or without an EHCP) - we offer an employed placement, at minimum wage including a full programme of support.
Contact us to discuss individual arrangements.
For students age 16 – 25 with an EHCP; accessing ‘WORK EXPERIENCE’ there are 2 options 1) We can employ the young person as above, and the details of 'work experience' in section F can be removed from the EHCP funding. All other details of the EHCP remain the same and funding for other provision continues. Section I (placement) remains the same. The current placement must be prepared to establish a time-table with us to accommodate the work placement. Employment can be up to 15 hours per week (if ESA is to remain in place) or full time depending on the other commitments of the schedule.
2) The current placement (school, college or other post 16 provider) can fund the experience and support required under the terms of their existing arrangements for funding – ‘SILVER LINING Internships Ltd.’ will be a contractor to the main provider and work in partnership with them to provide support as per the EHCP. If further funding is required; it may be possible to bring this into the EHCP review; or to approach ‘Social Care’, ‘Access to Work’ or other funding sources.
‘EDUCATIONAL EQUALITY’ - can provide legal advice and full case management for EHC Plans – by negotiation with the Local authority and/or SEND Tribunal appeal if this is required. They have many years of experience and have successfully secured thousands of EHCP’s; including many unusual and bespoke packages. Please contact them for details at

Beyond the Supported Internship
Through careful professional input and monitoring, regular team meetings and discussion including the intern and their parents, the aim is to achieve independent employment that provides fulfillment and an income. Assistance is provided towards the end of the internship to find suitable employment, social activities and moving on plans to help with housing and benefits if needed. For other interns, some form of formal support may always be needed and it will be a case of reducing that to the minimal level required by the young person in order to live and work effectively. It will be particularly important in these cases to ensure that there is a plan for on-going support once they progress to paid employment. We can work with social care to advise on additonal domestic support if the young person wishes to live indepndently at that stage.
Through careful professional input and monitoring, regular team meetings and discussion including the intern and their parents, the aim is to achieve independent employment that provides fulfillment and an income. Assistance is provided towards the end of the internship to find suitable employment, social activities and moving on plans to help with housing and benefits if needed. For other interns, some form of formal support may always be needed and it will be a case of reducing that to the minimal level required by the young person in order to live and work effectively. It will be particularly important in these cases to ensure that there is a plan for on-going support once they progress to paid employment. We can work with social care to advise on additonal domestic support if the young person wishes to live indepndently at that stage.
Silver Lining follows the legislation and guidance for young adults with special educational needs wherever this is relevant in particular.
The Children and Families Act 2014, the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015 (COP) and Supported Internships Guidance: June 2014 (Revised June 2017) provide the main legislative procedures and guidance for EHCP funding and the structure of the programme.
The following also apply and provide guidance depending on the type support required;
- The Health and Social Care Act 2008 - (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- The Mental Health Act 1983 (C20) – and 2005 (c. 9),
- The Equality Act 2010
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995,Autism Strategy, 2015-2018
- Transforming Care Partnership
The Department for Work and Pensions’ Access to Work fund can pay for job coach support in work placements.
Further information on Access to Work and an application form can be found at: Further Information about supported internships and similar schemes;-
British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) Department of Work and Pensions (2013), Drive to get more disabled people into mainstream jobs
Department for Education (2013) Supported internship trial for 16 to 24 year old learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities: An evaluation
Supported internships
Preparing for Adulthood including in particular for guidance on study programmes for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and for a factsheet on supported internships
MENCAP - Project SEARCH Realistic Opportunities for Supported Employment (ROSE), Case studies:
Getting a Life including Transition Pathways for Getting a Life
DEA (Disability Employment Advisor); in the Job Centre
Department for Education (2013) Supported internship trial for 16 to 24 year old learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities: An evaluation
Supported internships
Preparing for Adulthood including in particular for guidance on study programmes for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and for a factsheet on supported internships
MENCAP - Project SEARCH Realistic Opportunities for Supported Employment (ROSE), Case studies:
Getting a Life including Transition Pathways for Getting a Life
DEA (Disability Employment Advisor); in the Job Centre
The Skills Network:
Government Advice:
Disability Rights:
Government Advice:
Disability Rights: