Supported Employment
Silver Lining Supported Employment - Interns are paid positions that intend to enable young people with Autism, Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities to achieve sustainable employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work through learning in the workplace. Under our A2W scheme we can support young people from age 16 upwards. Supported employment which can be run in conjunction with therapy and life-skills packages, last for one to three years.
Supported Internships, AS a specific term used in EHCP; Are structured programmes based primarily at an employer with associated academic programmes at the post 16 placement, further details about SI (EHCP) criteria below. SI can be provided from age 16 – 25 (up to 26th birthday) via EHCP. SI under EHCP runs for a minimum of six months and normally lasts for a year.
Our young people on ‘Supported Internships’ are expected to require a higher level of support than general workplace trainees or apprentices and are offered 1-1 support in the form of a specialist job coach. Those SEN students age 16 – 25 with a keen desire to work and to live independently. They should either already be independent travellers or be willing to train to become one.

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