Safeguarding and Policies

Silver Lining sets high standards in supporting young people, protecting them and raising them up to achieve.

The following policies are set up and followed with regular training for all staff. These can be provided in full by application - email us at

  • Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 
  • Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Procedures 
  • Cause for Concern Guidance (including fitness to study/work policy) 
  • Staff Development Policy 
  • Staff Code of Conduct 
  • Disciplinary Policy and Procedure 
  • Grievance Procedure 
  • Data Protection Policy 
  • On-line abuse support  
  • Internships and Work Experience Policy Safety
  • Induction Checklist - Risk Assessment procedures   
  • Code of Behaviour 
  • Dignity at Work and Study Policy - which outlines the Silver Lining Internships position on harassment and bullying including harassment and bullying conducted online through social media 
  • Intern / Student IT Acceptable Use Policy 
  • Social Media Policy 
  • Disclosure and Barring Service Policy and Procedure 
  • Prevent Duty Policy    